Monday, May 26, 2008

Exterior House

This assignment was pretty cool I guess. I didn't think it'd turn out good, but my images ended up being pretty nice. I didn't think it'd be very interesting either, but somehow mine seem to be.

This one's my favorite. I like the up close detail, even though it's technically not a picture of my house. haha

This picture is really interesting to me for some reason. There's just so much stuff fighting for your attention, which is why I think it works so well.

Important Person In My Life

This was a fun assignment because George is obviously important to me, and I love these photos of us, and portraits of him that I took.

I love this picture so much, its just so different than what everyone else did. The mirror idea was definitely sweet.

Independent Study

For the independent study, I chose to do a comparison of different people's faces. This could be pretty interesting if you have a lot of images. Overall I think it was a good idea, but I should have taken a lot more photos. The images below are pretty self-explanatory.

Interior Minipulation

For this assignment, I probably could've worked a little harder and done more than this.. but at the end I think my images turned out really nice. Very clear and crisp-looking.. which is exactly what I love.

This one is my favorite. I like the contrast between the black and white in the bottles and boxes. The clearness is a plus, again.


I chose to redo the one-point perspective assignment because when we origionally did this assignment it was at the beginning of the school year when I didn't exactly know how to position myself or what way to move the camera. As the year progressed I definately got better at this and wanted to do a better job on it.

This image is one of my favorites because it shows angles everywhere, patterns, and one point perspective in more than one spot. I feel like this is a strong image for those reasons, and the fact that its visually appealing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Family Grid

This assignment was pretty cool, it reminds me of the Brady Bunch. I really liked being able to see everyone else's family member making the weirdest faces. I liked my images a lot though. I used a white sheet as a background and just snapped photos while he was just kind of laughing and talking. It ended up working out well because everything looked natural and flowed together well.

When I Was a Child

I liked this image the best out of my When I Was a Child assignment. I wish I would've found better placement for the hanging monkeys though. All in all I think this is a good image, nice and clear and the green is very eye catching.

This image is a little boring but I like it, just because I loved this animal when I was little. It's just kind of plain and nothing special, but the meaning is there.

Ahh Disney movies. I love the placement of the movies in this picture, its very rule of thirds and one point perspective. I also really like this picture because Disney movies were my everyday life when I was a child.


I thought this image was pretty cool because its just the shadow, not the object that is being shown.

I left this picture tilted sideways because I thought it would look different and more interesting. I like the rule of thirds going here also.

Seniors 2008

I think this one's my favorite because its at my lunch table and I love the people I sit with.

This one is a pretty good portrait, I think. I like how he posed for the camera, instead of just smiling like everyone else did.

This one's just really cute, and really flattering of all three of the people in it.

Subject and Background Don't Mix

I really like this picture for some reason. It's nothing special, I just like how weird it'd be to open a fridge and find a toaster. It's kinda of creepy in a way, and I like that about this image.

This picture is just disturbing. I don't even know how I got the idea for this, but personally I think it's a pretty good one, and clever. I like how its whitening rinse for your mouth on the toilet, instead of toilet bowl whitener/cleaner.

Guitar Grid

For my grid assignment I chose to take pictures of my guitar. I didn't think that it'd look good collaged at all, but it ended up looking really nice after I edited everything. I was surprised how much I did like it.

This image was my favorite of the many grids we created. I don't really know why, I think it's just the pattern that the guitar and the pictures make.


I made a flipbook of me putting away the dishes, so you can slowly see dishes disapear picture to picture.

A Day In the Life of Me

This is a potter's wheel which I use almost everyday in Mr. Hill's Pottery and Ceramics class. I really like this image because it shows how messy and fun wheeling can be. It shows the details of all the clay in the splash pans also, which is pretty cool.

This is a picture of me walking down my back porch before school. I really like how dark and gloomy the holga feature makes this look. I like how bold my shoe looks in comparison to everything else.